Light Your Way Program

“Instead of fighting the darkness, bring in the light”.

- Eckhart Tolle

The Light Your Way Program was created in response to witnessing how many of my clients were struggling with anxious thoughts and high levels of stress. If you found your way here and you have been struggling with anxious thoughts and negative self-talk,

You are not alone.

What is Light Your Way?

Light Your Way is a holistic approach designed to help clients better manage their stress and anxious thoughts.  I called the program Light Your Way because when we are bogged down by stress and anxious thoughts, life can feel overwhelming and frankly, dark. This program gives you the tools to start infusing light back into your life, one beam at a time. Light Your Way explores new alternatives for the future and gives you the tools to create that new path.

Light Your Way combines Life Coaching, Hypnosis, and a Toolbox, full of tools that I have researched, all backed by neuroscience. These tools were created by psychologists, researchers and motivational speakers, and are designed to lessen anxious thoughts and negative self-talk.

There are Three Pillars to the Light Your Way Program

Life Coaching

We will explore where stress lives in your body, how stress affects your daily life, what limiting beliefs are holding you back, and together create a plan where stress is integrated into your life in heathy ways.


We will create new pathways in your subconscious mind around managing stress, anxious thoughts and negative self-talk. As part of the Hypnosis piece, you will develop a new mantra, a new pathway for your brain. The way you talk to yourself matters, big time.


This powerful Toolbox is full of neuroscience-backed tools, all aiming to reduce anxious thoughts, panic, and negative self-talk. These tools have been used for years with my current clients and are highly effective. Each tool was developed by psychologists, researchers, and motivational speakers.

Who can benefit from Light Your Way?

This program is designed for individuals who are experiencing high levels of stress, anxious thoughts or negative self-talk. Clients who have benefited from the program include:

  • College or graduate school students

  • People navigating career transitions

  • Individuals facing personal changes like divorce, or death of a spouse or child

  • Caregivers tending to the needs of a parent

  • People struggling with anxious thoughts as a part of their daily life and are tired of living that way

No matter what your current circumstances look like, you deserve to face each day feeling empowered and optimistic. We will work together to create new pathways in your mind to help manage daily stress and eliminate negative self-talk. 

Light Your way combines monthly Coaching sessions, monthly Hypnosis sessions, and specific tools to help manage stress. All Coaching and Hypnosis sessions are personalized and conducted with me, either in my office in Providence, Rhode Island or virtually over Zoom. You choose the level of intensity of the program. 

 What’s Included in the Package

√ Monthly Personalized Coaching session(s) with me

√ Monthly Personalized Hypnosis session(s) with me

√ Access to Toolbox

√ Mantra creation that speaks to you

√ Light Your Way Journal


1 Month

1 coaching session, 1 hypnosis session integrated with tools from the Toolbox

3 Months

3 coaching sessions, 3 hypnosis sessions integrated with tools from the Toolbox

6 Months

6 coaching sessions, 6 hypnosis sessions integrated with tools from the Toolbox

9 Months

9 coaching sessions, 9 hypnosis sessions integrated with tools from the Toolbox

The Light Your Way program’s effectiveness varies by person and situation. Liz Morrisroe is certified as a Life Coach and Hypnosis practitioner.  She is not a mental health therapist. If you have an anxiety disorder, this program should be used in conjuction with therapy from a mental health provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the general questions we most often receive about the Light Your Way Program

  • Coaching and hypnosis sessions are just as effective over Zoom as they are in person.

  • The first session can run between an hour to an hour and a half. All other sessions run around 50 minutes.

  • If you decide to upgrade, you pay the difference between the programs as long as you let Riverwalk know within 30 days of finishing what you originally signed up for.

  • The Light Your Way program is highly effective as long as the client is motivated to change.

  • 1 MONTH
    1 Coaching session
    1 Hypnosis session integrated with learning 1 tool from the Toolbox

    3 MONTHS
    3 Coaching sessions
    3 Hypnosis sessions integrated with learning 3 tools from the Toolbox
    $1,025 (5% discount)

    6 MONTHS
    6 Coaching sessions
    6 Hypnosis sessions integrated with learning 6 tools from the Toolbox
    $1945 (10% discount)

    9 MONTHS
    9 Coaching sessions
    9 Hypnosis sessions integrated with learning 9 tools from the Toolbox
    $2755 (15% discount)