Hypnosis with a trained professional is like having a personal coach for your mind, helping you make positive change from the inside out.
How can Hypnosis benefit me? In so many ways!
Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness and focused concentration that leads the client more open to suggestion. During hypnosis, my role as the hypnotist is to communicate with a client’s subconscious mind in order to bring about a change the client desires. In order to really understand this definition, it’s important to understand the differences between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
The purposes of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are very different. The conscious mind is in action when you are awake and actively thinking. The conscious mind is responsible for thinking, analyzing, organizing information, following directions, criticizing and judging. The conscious mind understands time and categorizes time into past, present and future buckets. The interesting part about the conscious mind is it can only hold a few bits of information at a time, usually between 7 and 9 bits of information. In addition, the conscious mind has a short-term memory.
The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is like a database of information. It is what makes you YOU. It contains a database of all of your memories and the emotions and feelings you have connected to those memories. It also contains your beliefs and your habits. The subconscious mind has no sense of time, everything is communicated as here and now. It is the part of your mind that has long term memory.
I always share with my clients the visual of the conscious mind acting as a soldier in front of the subconscious mind, protecting what information goes into the subconscious. Hypnosis is the art of distracting the conscious mind or the soldier, so we have direct access to the subconscious. When clients are looking to make lasting change, it is highly more effective if we deal directly with the subconscious mind. Anything that reaches the subconscious mind is accepted as truth and has a long term memory.
How does the process of hypnosis work?
The first step is to define what changes you want to make as the client. As I begin working with new clients, I have them describe in their own words the change they are highly desiring and the motivations behind the change. I then use various relaxation, breathing and counting techniques that induce hypnosis. Once the client is hypnotized and relaxed, I use the imagination, guided imagery, anchors and triggers, rehearsing success, desensitization and other techniques which are highly effective methods in communicating with the subconscious mind as well as the client’s own words describing the change they are looking to accomplish. The client’s words resonate with their subconscious mind in a powerful way.
I am also trained in age regression and forgiveness work through 5-PATH hypnosis which can be very powerful tools in overcoming trauma.
Hypnosis is much more effective when repetition is used so I ask clients to record the sessions on their phone and listen to the recording in between sessions. I also include when appropriate certain tools from my personal Toolbox to assist the client in achieving the change. These tools have come up in my extensive research and are all backed by neuroscience. For example, when I am working with a client with insomnia, I teach them the findings of Dr. Gina Poe, a neuroscientist specializing in the study of sleep. When tools from the Toolbox are combined with hypnosis and become part of the subconscious mind, the change desired can occur more quickly and powerfully. I then bring the client out of hypnosis and discuss their experience.
Using the Power of Hypnosis, you can learn to:
• Decrease or manage anxious thoughts and stress
• Overcome blocks or barriers to your goals
• Eliminate fears and phobias, like driving on the highway or flying on an airplane
• Increase your motivation and confidence
• Manage hot flashes and other menopause symptoms
• End negative habits, like nail biting
What’s Special about Liz’s Approach
I have a profound passion for helping people overcome anything standing in their way of living their true, authentic life. I partner with my clients on their unique journeys with compassion and determination to create new pathways to change in their subconscious minds. I am constantly researching new tools backed by neuroscience that are worthy of adding to my Toolbox. I teach my clients these tools, when applicable, in helping them fight anxious thoughts, panic, insomnia and negative self-talk. These tools are taught to the conscious mind as well under hypnosis, to the subconscious mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are the general questions we most often receive about hypnosis.
Hypnosis is the powerful yet gentle process of tapping into your subconscious mind to make lasting and positive changes.
Hypnosis is extremely effective in helping clients change and grow. The subconscious mind is more open to suggestion and has a longer memory than the conscious mind. By placing suggestions in the subconscious mind, most people experience a much greater chance of real and lasting change.
It varies from person to person.
Some clients say hypnosis feels like a deep meditation or prayer while others experience tingling or heaviness in their arms or legs. After a session, most of my clients tell me they feel incredibly relaxed and energized.
No, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis.
You will either fall asleep or wake up on your own.
Hypnosis is just as effective in virtual sessions as it is in my office. In fact, most of my clients meet with me through Zoom from their homes where they feel relaxed and comfortable.
Hypnosis is a very safe process for you to achieve change and growth. You will never do anything against your moral code or belief system during hypnosis.
Nearly everyone can be hypnotized.
The long-term effectiveness of the hypnosis session comes down to the client's desire to truly want the change to happen.
The only thing I ask is that you complete a short Client Information Sheet before our first meeting. There is no other preparation needed.
It varies from one person to the next. Some clients experience dramatic shifts within 1 or 2 sessions, others can take 4 to 6 sessions. But as one client said to me, “I love coming to you because the hypnosis process is so peaceful and relaxing; this is the one place I can relax.”
The first session can run between an hour to an hour and a half. All other sessions run around 50 minutes.
The cost for a hypnosis session is $160.